Djoelsbar - Veurne
- 5 cl raspberry infused Naked Grouse Whisky*
- 1 drop Peychaud bitter
- 1/2 cl sugar syrup
- 2 raspberries
- 3 cl lemon juice
- Top off with Blanche de Bruges
- Raspberries
- Salted granola biscuit
- Fill a cocktail shaker with ice and pour in 5 cl raspberry infused whisky*.
- Add 1 drop Peychaud bitter and 1/2 cl sugar syrup.
- Then add 3 cl lemon juice, 2 raspberries and shake all the ingredients.
- Strain the cocktail above the glass and finish with Blanche de Bruges..
- Garnish with a salted granola biscuit and a raspberry.
*Extra: Raspberry infused whisky:
- Take a jar that can be sealed and fi ll it with raspberries all the way to the top.
- Pour the whisky over it.
- Close the jar and leave the whisky to infuse for 1 week. Do not forget to turn the jar
every now and then during the process. - Strain the whisky finely. The whisky will now have a raspberry flavour and the shelf
life is infinite.